Financial Fundamentals Blog

Budgeting Tips for the Last-Minute Shopper

Ideally, you’ve already started planning, but something tells me that if you’re here, then you haven’t. Rest assured, even the most last-minute shopper can still be savvy and help themselves pull of a fantastic holiday season without the holiday debt.

1. Make a list – I know, I know, it’s tips for the last-minute shopper, but that doesn’t mean you can’t go in with a plan even if you didn’t have one previously! This also includes anything you think you might spend on – gifts for family, friends and co-workers, hostess gifts for holiday parties, potential travel expenses, new outfits. Helps keep from wandering, buying extras you just don’t need.

2. See what you can cut from that list.

3. Use cards and debits with rewards – this doesn’t mean to just go wild. You still need to stick to a budget, but using a card with rewards will have its, well, rewards down the road.

4. Always go for the free shipping. ALWAYS. Yes, this might mean that you don’t get the gift in time, but could you print out an image of the item that you have purchased?

5. Keep a list of what you spend to begin tracking for next year.

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