Financial Fundamentals Blog

Strategies for Building a Solid Credit History

  • 7 17 Staff
Credit scores are tricky. They’re essential for getting a credit card, loan or even an apartment, but if you don’t have a credit history, it can be hard to get any of these things. But how can you have a credit history when no one wants to give you credit in the first place? Let’s take a look at how to build up your credit so...

Practical Tips for Boosting Your Financial Wellness

  • 7 17 Staff
We tend to think of physical or mental health when focusing on well-being. But your financial wellness is just as important to focus on. In many cases, struggling with financial instability or debt can impact your mental health.

Investing in Tomorrow: Strategies for Long-Term Financial Stability

  • 7 17 Staff
Financial stability ensures you have enough money to cover your bills, expenses, hobbies and other things without running out. It also means you can live the lifestyle that you truly want. Let’s explore how you can achieve financial stability while saving for your future.

Building An Emergency Fund During A Recession

  • 7 17 Staff
Life can unexpectedly send a lot your way. Loss of a job, unexpected medical expenses—you never know what might arise. That’s especially true during a recession when finances are already tight.

How to Start an Emergency Fund

  • 7 17 Staff
Loss of income, unexpected medical or home expenses, and even a new job or child — life can send unexpected things your way, both stressful and wonderful. You want to make sure you’re as prepared as possible, no matter what.

Are We in a Recession? 5 Tips to Secure Your Finances

  • 7 17 Staff
Everyone has experienced inflation recently, whether it’s the rising price of food at the grocery store, an uptick in the cost of utilities, or higher premiums for other goods and services. Because of rising inflation rates, many are worried that the economy is headed toward a recession.

4 Most Common Types of Identity Theft and How to Protect Against Them

  • 7 17 Staff
Identity theft is the use of another person’s personal information, such as their name, address and Social Security Number (SSN) for personal gain. Identity theft can create many problems for those affected, including a decline in credit scores and finances. Those affected by identity theft may feel anxiety about their future...