Financial Fundamentals Blog

Financial benefits of working from home

  • 7 17 Staff
While the country returns to normal following the height of the pandemic, many people are still finding themselves working from home. It’s not surprising to learn that working from home can be very different from working in the office. There are new complications.

Unraveling money myths that could drain your wallet

  • 7 17 Staff
Everyone learns about money differently. Some people take classes, others rely on advice from family and friends and even more people learn from personal experiences. But following poor advice can end up costing you money and have negative implications on your credit score. Before you follow a misconception about money, check our list of debunked money myths.

6 common tax mistakes to avoid this tax season

  • 7 17 Staff
Tax season can be overwhelming, especially if you choose to prepare your own taxes. Rushing to get your taxes filed before the April 15, 2020 deadline can increase your chance of an error, which can delay your refund, trigger an audit or cause you to pay more. Most of the mistakes that taxpayers make on their tax returns are fairly simple ones. We’ve compiled a list of the more common mistakes taxpayers make when filing taxes and some tips on how to avoid them.

New vs used car: weighing your car buying options

  • 7 17 Staff
Most consumers view a vehicle purchase as a mix of meeting transportation needs while indulging in certain conveniences and fun features of whatever vehicle they purchase. Even though a car purchase is typically a necessity, it’s hard not to have your purchase influenced by your emotional impulses.

Money-saving tips that make early mornings worthwhile

  • 7 17 Staff
What if ditching the snooze button in the morning could save you money? While getting up early can be difficult, it turns out there may be a correlation between success, money and your alarm clock.

Protect your finances: understanding phishing, vishing, and smishing

  • 7 17 Staff
They might sound cute and clever, but phishing, vishing and smishing are anything but that. Let’s take a look at these common attempts to steal your personal information and how you can protect yourself.

What Is a Money Market Account? Five Things To Know

  • 7 17 Staff
If it’s time to take your savings plan up a notch, a money market account can get you closer to your goals by making your money work a little harder for you.

Financial Planning for a Divorce: What to Consider

  • 7 17 Staff
Divorce is a tough process — both emotionally and financially. Financial planning for a divorce is essential early in the process because separating two people’s money and accounts can be difficult and messy. Additionally, you’ll want to have a plan in place to make sure you’re prepared for the future.

A Simple Guide To Investing for College Students

  • 7 17 Staff
Think investing is only for older adults? Wrong. Think investing in college is only for finance majors? Wrong again.

Simplify the holiday season with mobile banking

  • 7 17 Staff
Feeling the pressure of the Holidays already? Don’t worry, we have some tips on how online and mobile banking can truly make the Holidays the most wonderful time of the year.

Student Savings Accounts: What to Know and How to Get Started

  • 7 17 Staff
It can be tempting to wait until you’re done with college to start a savings account. Your finances in college are limited, so it can seem like there’s no point in opening an account.

Holiday budgeting: tips to help you save during the holiday season

  • 7 17 Staff
The holidays are right around the corner, and for some, that means added stress about finances. With less than 90 days until Christmas, there’s still time to start planning so you can worry less and focus on what really matters.