Financial Fundamentals Blog

National Preparedness Month: Are You Ready for an Emergency?

  • 7 17 Staff
National Preparedness Month is four weeks designed to ready you for an emergency. And, it seems that both local and national weather is cooperating to remind you of what’s at stake if you don’t have a plan in place. Advanced planning can save you valuable time and money. From the financial to the practical, here are a few ways to make sure you are ready in an emergency.

Avoiding Financial Pitfalls: Tips for Recent College Graduates

  • 7 17 Staff
Congratulations! Your hard work has paid off. Diploma in hand, you’re ready to tackle the next phrase of your life.

But the joy of graduating from college can quickly fade once graduates begin to grasp their new-found responsibilities, especially when it comes to their financial future. Navigating rent, a car payment, insurance, cable and groceries can be overwhelming. Throw student loan payments and other financial burdens into the mix, and it can be downright frightening.

The worst thing recent grads can do is to start using credit cards to help them maintain their lifestyle. The average college grad owes $4,100 on credit cards at the time of graduation. Not including student loans. Roughly 69% of graduates took out student loans and owe an average of $29,800 in federal and private debt.

Essential Holiday Money-Saving Tips for a Budget-Friendly Season

  • 7 17 Staff
The music has a jingle to it, the gift guides are out and the lights are twinkling, which can only mean one thing: the holidays are upon us. Here are a few tips on how to save money and avoid overspending this season.

Holiday Savings Guide: How to Shop Smart and Cut Costs

  • 7 17 Staff
The holidays are in full swing, and shopping days are running out. I know what you’re thinking: It’s too late to score deals and save money. Don’t worry; there are still steps you can take to cut costs even if your shopping has only just begun. Let’s review some of those steps as well as explore year-round measures that can help put you at the top of your financial game next year.

When You Should Use Your Emergency Fund

  • 7 17 Staff
COVID-19 has caused financial problems for millions of Americans, and while the local economy is starting to operate again, many people are still in a financial pinch. If you’ve started an emergency fund, you may have begun to dip into it. But before you drain that account, consider some alternatives. We’ve compiled a list to help you weigh your options before using/draining your emergency fund.

5 Tips To Battle Inflation

  • 7 17 Staff
From the eggs in the grocery store to the gas at the pump, inflation makes everything a bit more expensive. And for many people, the hike in prices can make it difficult to pay for basic expenses.

7 Proven Methods to Build Your Net Worth Over Time

  • 7 17 Staff
If you’re serious about building financial stability and long-term security, then you’re probably looking for ways to grow your net worth.

Weighting Your Options: Renting vs Buying Your First Home

  • 7 17 Staff
Owning a home isn’t merely a dream that you achieve once you reach a certain age. For many prospective homebuyers, the decision to switch from renting to buying requires a lot of planning, saving and carefully waiting for the right time to invest in a place of your own.

How to Navigate Senior Living Care Costs

  • 7 17 Staff
When we’re children, we depend on our parents to provide everything we need — from food and shelter to emotional support. Then, as we grow up and our parents age, the tables start to turn. The parents we used to depend on start to grow old and require new kinds of care to maintain their health and quality of life.

Secure Your Future with These 6 College Savings Plans

  • 7 17 Staff
The rising cost of college is a perennial concern for high school grads and their families. For Ohio residents looking to attend The Ohio State University, tuition and other costs have risen to more than $27,000 per year — or well over $100,000 for a four-year degree. The costs at local private schools or many public and...

Credit Unions vs. Banks: 6 Benefits You Need to Know

  • 7 17 Staff
If you’ve only done your banking at a traditional bank, the value of a credit union can be hard to understand. On top of that, the big advertising budgets afforded by banks mean that consumers start their financial journey having a stronger familiarity with big-name banks as opposed to local credit unions.

How to Utilize Your HELOC to Streamline Your Debt

  • 7 17 Staff
When debt grows beyond your ability to pay it off in a matter of months — or, in some cases, years — it’s time to consider other options for paying off that debt, managing the amount of interest you’re charged and building a plan to settle this debt and get your finances back on track.