Financial Fundamentals Blog

Money-saving tips for a fruitful Thanksgiving

  • Beth Ann Tabak
Thanksgiving is a time to rest, to spend time with friends and family and to, well, give thanks. To make that a little easier this year, we’ve put together a few tips to help you save money while shopping for Thanksgiving dinner.

Protect yourself against identity theft

  • Beth Ann Tabak
In September of 2017, it was reported that Equifax, one of the nation’s three largest credit bureaus, had experienced a severe security breach. The personal data of nearly 150 million Americans was made vulnerable, exposed to hackers and scammers to use as they please.

While the initial sting of the breach has passed, its danger has not. We must all continue to protect our valuable personal information. Here’s how you can secure your personal data.


Be ready: September is National Preparedness Month

  • Beth Ann Tabak
National Preparedness Month is four weeks designed to ready you for an emergency. And, it seems that both local and national weather is cooperating to remind you of what’s at stake if you don’t have a plan in place. Advanced planning can save you valuable time and money. From the financial to the practical, here are a few ways to make sure you are ready in an emergency.

Welcome to our financial education blog

  • Admin
Designed with your financial success in mind, Financial Fundamentals, the 7 17 Credit Union financial education blog, offers insights, news and tips crafted to help you achieve your financial goals.

Budgeting Tips for the Last-Minute Shopper

  • Beth Ann Tabak
Need a few tips to get that last-minute shopping done at a reasonable price? You've come to the right place.

Money-saving tips for the holidays

  • Beth Ann Tabak
The music has a jingle to it, the gift guides are out and the lights are twinkling, which can only mean one thing: the holidays are upon us. Here are a few tips on how to save money and avoid overspending this season.

Shop smart and save for the Holidays

  • Beth Ann Tabak
The holidays are in full swing, and shopping days are running out. I know what you’re thinking: It’s too late to score deals and save money. Don’t worry; there are still steps you can take to cut costs even if your shopping has only just begun. Let’s review some of those steps as well as explore year-round measures that can help put you at the top of your financial game next year.

Holiday Survival Guide

  • Beth Ann Tabak
Thanksgiving is just around the corner and another year has almost come and gone. If you’re like most Americans, the next few weeks will be filled with shopping, attending parties, baking and decorating. What it won’t be filled with is time, or at least it can feel that way. Take charge of your holidays with these tips from KOFE (Knowledge of Financial Education).

How to Prepare for a Disaster: 5 Tips

  • Beth Ann Tabak
September is Disaster Preparedness Month, and with the devastation caused by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma in 2017, you should consider creating your own plan for when a natural disaster or emergency strikes your region.