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Budgeting Made Easy: Tips for Financial Success
Welcome to the New Year! With a new year comes new resolutions: For some it’s eating better, for others it’s getting fit, and for many it’s getting their finances in order. When it comes to getting your finances in check, it can be difficult to know where to start.
5 Common Money Mistakes and How to Fix Them
Working to achieve your financial goals can be a delicate balancing act, and even when you make your best effort, mistakes can happen. Let’s face it – we’re only human. What you don’t want is to let a mistake go uncorrected because it can have serious repercussions down the road. Let’s review five common money mistakes and their fixes.
5 Reasons You Should Start a Savings Account
Whether your goals include purchasing a house or setting aside money for emergencies, a savings account is a strategic way to prepare for your future. Starting a savings account will help you put money away, making saving automatic and even earning interest.
Effective Ways To Increase Your Tax Refund
Tax season is upon us! Filing taxes may seem like a hassle that you want to be done with quickly, but if you take your time and make sure you’re remembering deductions and applicable credits, you can maximize your tax refund while minimizing your tax liability.
What to Know Before Buying Your First Car
Buying your first car. It can be an exciting time and one of stress too. On one hand, you're considering what features you want, what color you prefer, and of course, which locations you’re driving to once you have it.
Social Media Scams and How To Avoid Them
Social media is a way to stay connected with family and friends, but it’s also become a popular place for fraudsters. In fact, social media scams were the most profitable avenue for scammers in 2021, with approximately 95,000 people reporting losses of about $770 million.
How to Start an Emergency Fund
Loss of income, unexpected medical or home expenses, and even a new job or child — life can send unexpected things your way, both stressful and wonderful. You want to make sure you’re as prepared as possible, no matter what.
4 Ways to Build Your Credit as a College Student
Building a strong credit history is important, and it’s never too early to start. A credit score will carry a lot of weight for certain milestones in the future, such as getting your own apartment, house, auto loan and even other student loans or student debt consolidation.
4 Ways To Pay Off Credit Card Debt
Credit card debt has become a massive problem for many American households. The market for credit cards has become very competitive, so it’s easy for consumers to qualify for new credit cards. As a result, many families find themselves struggling to pay off credit card debt.
What Is A Good Credit Score?
Your credit score is an important financial asset and can affect many of your financial decisions, such as if you get approved for an auto loan, mortgage, personal loan or credit card. However, you may be wondering, “What is a good credit score, and what exactly factors into my credit score?” We’re removing the mystery...
How to Apply for a Mortgage Loan in 6 Steps
Deciding to buy your first home is an exciting prospect. You’ve dreamt about the number of bedrooms your family will need, the size of yard you want, and the other must-have features you can’t live without.
Should I Refinance My Auto Loan?
The holidays end, and the bills come due. Even if you budget well, the first few months of a new year always feel tight — especially now, when groceries and other goods and services are more expensive because of inflation. When your budget feels crunched, looking for ways to save money and shore up your finances makes sense.